Testimony Tuesday
Hi there!
Today I wanted to quickly share some wonderful testimonies from Shaklee customers and business builders in regards to their health and experiences. I'm so excited to share them with you!
From Ashley Nicole:
I just shared my story and I'd love to have anyone/everyone share theirs as well! My miracle has inspired me to spread the word LOUD that Shaklee saves (and creates;) lives!!
"Last January after finding out I had cervical cancer and having more than 80% of my cervix removed, I was told having a baby would be VERY DIFFICULT. I hopefully continued my SHAKLEE products (vivix, protein, and vitamins daily) and was told at my 6 month check up that my cervix had also it completely rebuilt itself! The doctors were beside themselves. Less than nine months from my surgery and horrific prognosis and I am happily and healthily pregnant! I absolutely mean it when I say Shaklee changes lives. I'm just one of millions who've experienced the miracle of Shaklee. I'd say mine is the best though - I get my own lil pumpkin!!"
From Lesley H:
Can you imagine being a parent and being told that your infant daughter would not survive if they did not move to another country?
Can you imagine suffering with the inability to breathe with Asthma for 52 years?
Can you imagine spending over $200.00 ever month for asthma medications?
Well that infant girl was me.
I was born in London England AT HOME but was quickly hospitalized with Pneumonia. I continued with respiratory problems and complications until the Dr. told my parents that if they did not move to either Australia or Arizona that I would probably not survive. We moved to Australia where I did improve but I was still plagued with allergies and asthma until I was 52. At that time ,out of desperation , I heard about Shaklee from Sloan Barnett on the Oprah Winfrey Show, and their 100% money back guarantee and I decided to give it a try. I then , shakleeized my home with the Get Clean line a concentrated, non-toxic, biodegradable, safe cleaning products and started on a nutrition program. Can you imagine being me and now being asthma and medication freeI I love it . Once I felt the difference that Shaklee made in my life I knew that I wanted to share this with others and that is why I started my Shaklee career.
I believe that if my health can change dramatically for the better with the use of Shaklee products then there is hope for all those who believe that they have control over THEIR health.
From Cathy:
It has helped me in so many ways from using the Get Clean cleaners, making me 80% healthier from all those upper respiratory infections and bronchitis to losing healthy weight and keeping it off now for 2 years and leveling out my blood sugar so I don't become a Type 2 Diabetes or to Type 1. I was close when having my children. I look healthier and feel healthier too!
From Megan:
Shaklee has changed my health for the better in so many ways including healing my cervix. I had my first daughter(before Shaklee) via c-section after 3.5hrs of pushing and her just not wanting to come out. During the operations the doctor observed that the back of my cervix was paper line and made the comment about any future children having to be c-sections. When I became pregnant with our 2nd child(Shaklee baby) I was told there was a 50/50 chance I would be able to do a vbac and be successful add on top of that the observence of the paper thin cervic and they gave me a 25% success rate with the posibility of a window opening in my cervix during laboring that could result in complications for myself or my baby(in our minds we heard resulting in death). After a lot of soul searching and my husbands pleading for the csection as I really!! wanted to have a natural birth I opted for the c-section even though my gut was telling me to go for it.
A Shaklee friend even said to me as I was debating back and forth Shaklee nutrition can do amazing things and heal our bodies when doctors think there is no hope.
After delivering a beautiful healthy as could be little girl as the doctor was closing me up I asked her how my cervic looked. She stopped what she was doing looked around inside and said "It looks perfect I don't see any issues" Me "So is my cervix still paper thin?" Doc: "No I'm not sure what the other doctor saw I don't see any issues with your cervix." This was a little deflating as I wished I had tried a natural birth but I knew the worry that would have put on my husband and this was just proof to me that Shaklee really does heal. We have decided to have no additional children so I'll never be able to have that natural birth but that's okay as I have two beautiful healthy girls that Shaklee is keeping healthy.

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