Fall is finally here to stay here in north Texas! We have the windows open letting the cool air in, the leaves are falling off the trees, it's such a wonderful time of year!
This time of year brings out the pumpkin in me. I love pumpkin...adore it. We made some pumpkin chocolate chip muffins yesterday (recipe coming soon!) and I had
just a few tablespoons of pumpkin left over. Not one to waste food, I decided to make some pumpkin creamer for my coffee.
I love pumpkin latte's, but I only buy maybe one per year. Why? They're expensive...I have a problem paying $5+ on a small cup of coffee! And they're not all that good for me...I don't really know what they're putting in it to make that pumpkin flavor.
This was my first time trying the creamer, and I have to say I did a good job! This recipe is really to taste...I kept adding until I got the flavor I wanted, so don't hold me to these exact measurements! Let me know if you try it too!
Homemade Pumpkin Creamer
1 c half and half
3 heaping tablespoons of pumpkin puree
1/4 - 1/2 teas of cinnamon
1 teas vanilla
1/4 - 1/2 teas nutmeg
1/4 - 1/2 teas cloves
On medium heat, combine ingredients and bring to a low simmer- don't let it boil! Once it starts to steam, go ahead and remove it from the heat and let it cool down some. Add to your coffee and store the rest in the fridge for about 5 days.
Note: some people like to strain the creamer through a sieve in order to get rid of the pumpkin pieces. I like the puree in my coffee, so I didn't strain it.
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