Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Mommy Wars - iPhones and How I'm Missing Childhood

So, if you've been alive the past few weeks, you've probably seen several Twitter and Facebook posts about a few mommy bloggers and their judgments towards other mommies daring to use their iPhone's while at the park. One mommy blogged to a mommy all the wonderful things she was missing out on while she was on her phone at the park. She did a darn good job at throwing down the guilt gauntlet and shaming her.  The other mommy blogged in return about why she's on the phone at the park and her reasons for it. Mind you, these blogs were not writers attacking someone personally or calling out names...they were written to the general mom blog population.

I'm tired of it.

I'm so sick and tired of the mommy judgment, the mommy guilt, the assuming we know what's going on in someone else's life based on the fact that they are on their smartphone at what WE deem an inappropriate time.

Judging other moms because of what you see of their lives in 5 minutes is wrong. Have I done it? You bet I have. Am I proud of it? NO WAY. Do I think I'm a better mom because I DON'T sit at the park with my head in my phone? NOPE.

(I've experienced first hand a mom who DID choose her iPhone over participating in her daughters field trip. Read about it here. Maybe it is judgmental to you, but I'm sticking by it.)

Isn't there enough pressure to being a parent without these silly mommy wars? I know that I put myself under a lot of pressure to be the perfect stay at home - work at home mom. I struggle to find a way to do it all...perfectly. That kind of pressure is more than enough for me. I don't need the mommy wars. I don't need the eye rolling, the finger pointing, or the whispers about how I'm not doing it right.

Instead of writing posts about what someone else is doing that you disagree with, why not find something they're doing that you do agree with? I mean, as moms aren't we all in this together? Don't we all have the same goal in life? To be the best mom that we can be, with what works for OUR family?



  1. Why people feel the need to judge one another is beyond me! Unless you see a truly dangerous or criminal activity happening, it's best to do the best YOU can with your OWN family and leave everyone else to do the same. Thanks for that reminder!!

    Penny at Green Moms and Kids

    1. It seems we're getting worse at being judgmental in this social media/instant information age. I only get a glimpse of a strangers life for about 5's not fair to judge them for being on the phone. Thanks for coming by, Penny!

  2. I used to roll my eyes at those moms. Guess what I get eyes rolled at me now. We moved, bigger house smaller yard. Our house backs up to an elementary school so we are there ALL THE TIME, sometimes for hours. I am nit going to sit there and watch school aged kids swing?!? Yeah I'm good...
    I usually laugh at some people for being an over achiever, not to their face and I would never ever say something to them...

    1. Haha! I know what you mean...I probably wouldn't want to watch my kids swing for hours on end either! Which goes to show we all (as humans) need to drop the holier-than-thou attitude and stop judging each other. Thanks for coming by!

  3. Hey visiting you from the Don't Be a Bloghole Hop. Have you seen this post from Fried Okra on the iPhone judgement wars: Best thing I've ever read on this. I think, given the thrust of your post, you'll find it... edifying. Pleasure to meet and read you. xo Jane

    1. Yes, ma'am! I did read that post last week. It's one of the best I've read!

  4. That's one of the problems with so many mommy blogs, there are a lot of women that just like to start fights :) I agree that we as mommies need to move past all the petty differences, they really don't matter!

    1. That's why I like your blog. It's about FOOD! :)
