Monday, June 25, 2012

Our First Garden!

This year, Matt and I finally got around to planting our first vegetable garden. We're very excited about being able to grow our own salad fixin's.

We planted zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, green beans, bell peppers, okra, eggplant and a few herbs. So far we really just have a zucchini, cucumber and basil garden. We have so much of them that we're starting to give it away...we just can't eat it all!

The green beans died almost right away. The carrots are doing ok, but a certain blonde bandito keeps pulling them up to check them. The eggplant and okra are starting to FINALLY grow and I have no idea if the bell peppers are going to do anything...ever. The tomato plant is ginormous with tons of green tomatoes, but it only produces 1 tomato every other day.

Not too shabby if I say so myself!
I think for our first go around, we've been pretty successful! (In our wild dreams we would love to have a garden like my aunts in Seattle. Now she's got a green thumb and a produce aisle in her backyard!)
We had no idea that cucumbers would take over!

Zucchini anyone? They're HUGE!


  1. Betsy Barnes

    Your garden looks great! I wish I had a "green thumb" :)

    1. Thanks Betsy! Honestly, my husband is the one with the green thumb. I just pick the veggies! :)
