Monday, February 18, 2013

Do You Experience these Signs?

I'm passionate about removing toxins from homes. Toxins are primarily found in your home cleaning products; the bleaches, the 409's, the stainless steel cleaners, the laundry detergents, the dish soaps.

Many, many of your everyday home cleaners are dangerous chemicals in them. When it comes to home cleaning products, you really have little to go on beyond the warning labels the manufacturer is required to use. DANGER, WARNING, and POISON just give you a general idea of the seriousness of the unknown substances in the product. And those warnings apply only to a products immediate health effects, they don't say what can happen to your health after using them for a long period of time.


I've compiled a list of things you might experience with your everyday home cleaners. If you experience these things, I encourage you to consider switching to non-toxic home cleaners. If not for YOUR health's sake, but for the sake of your FAMILY!

You should consider switching to non-toxic cleaners if you experience:

  • Headaches during or after use
  • Burning eyes
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Burning skin from contact with cleaners
  • You freak out when your kids even look at the bottle of cleaner
You have a choice! You can get your home clean and not kill yourself at the same time! It's true!

And you know what? It doesn't have to be expensive!

Now there are many non-toxic cleaner recipes floating around, which are fantastic. They are made of your everyday ingredients: white vinegar, baking soda, and the like. All are non-toxic and all get your home clean! If you're interested in making your own (and you have the time!), then this is a fantastic way to start getting the poison out of your home!

In our home, we've completely Shaklee-ized our lives. You can check every cabinet in our home and you'll only find the Get Clean Line. It's wonderful! Shaklee's Get Clean line is SAFE, GREEN, and it WORKS! Read more about the Shaklee Difference here.

I've written several posts about getting toxin out of the home and you can view them below:

Green Cleaning Saves Money!

The Real Dirt on Clean!

How I Clean Quickly Without Toxins

And I have a secret for you...making your own cleaners may not be as cost effective as you think!

Do you use non-toxic cleaners in your home? If not, are you willing to try them? I'd love your feedback!

Join me on the Healthy Life, Happy Life Facebook community!


  1. I've used non toxic cleaners for almost 9 years. When I was 23 (before I was a mom) I had moved back in with my parents temporarily. My mom had just gotten that scrubbing bubbles automatic shower cleaner. She was in the bathroom and turned it on, stayed in the bathroom for maybe 2 more minutes. She came out looking like she was high on some drug. She couldn't tell us the date, her name, she couldn't even say the alphabet. Luckily the effects wore off and she was back to her normal self within an hour, but we trashed that thing and went all non-toxic from there on out.

    1. Oh my gosh, Bethanne, that's so scary! I find it incredibly frustrating that these products are still allowed to be sold, with side effects like that! I'm glad she didn't have lasting side effects. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I would definitely be interested in trying non-toxic cleaners. I'm not a huge lover of bleach, I can't stand the smell... It always makes me feel bad when I use it too. I think I have nearly gassed myself several times; it's horrible stuff! I try not to use it unless I absolutely have to.

    The only thing about the non toxic ones though is that I would be worried that they weren't cleaning things as effectively. I definitely need to try them out to see!

    1. Hi! Yes, the smell of bleach makes my head's so strong. Then I feel like I need to wipe everything off with water to get the bleach off!
      I totally understand about worrying if non-toxic cleaners aren't getting things clean enough. My husband and I have been very pleased (and he was a HUGE skeptic). The homemade vinegar/baking soda works well, but I don't like the stench of vinegar in my home.
      Shaklee's Basic H is what we use regularly for all purpose cleaning. To clean bathrooms and kill the germiest of germs (like after cutting raw chicken), we use Basic G, which is a safer alternative to bleach.
      Thanks for coming by and let me know if you have any questions about cleaning products. It's become my passion to get the toxins out of our lives! :)

  3. I'm with you, I hate using toxins, especially with small kids in the house. I'm definitely going to check these products out, I'm always on the lookout for a new product!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Let me know if I can help you or answer any questions.

  4. This is a great article! Please consider linking it up at my new Blog Hop at

  5. I have been meaning to switch to non-toxic and still haven't yet. We don't have kids yet, but I hate using those nasty chemicals around our pets. I really need to make the switch!

    1. Thanks for coming by, Jess! Switching to non-toxic products is super easy and saves money! :)

  6. Thanks so much for commenting on my new blog,
    I stopped by to visit and I love what I am seeing! I have been obsessed with vinegar for years now and use it for everything! I try to do all non-toxic cleaning and I've even converted my husband. I haven't tried many brand products yet, as I usually make my own, but is is great to see so many non-toxic products coming to the market place. Great article.

  7. I haven't made the switch YET. I will be researching this a little more and go from there.
