- Lean and Healthy, for those who want to maintain their weight or lose less than 10lbs (I use the Lean & Healthy Kit because it provides me with my daily Vitalizer, plus enough Smoothees for a month! That's 30 meals!!)
- Turnaround Kit, for those who want to completely change their health and lose more than 10lbs
When joining my Member Team you:
- get discounts on all Shaklee products (save 15% on everything and even up to 25% on some!)
- receive shipping specials
- get your own secure ordering website with LOADS of health information
- receive 100% money back guarantee on all products - no questions asked!
Now, here are some answers to questions you may be asking yourself:
- There is no yearly renewal fee. Joining as a Member is lifetime!
- There are no minimum orders EVER! You can order once a month, or once a year...it's up to you!
- You are not obligated to sell Shaklee, nor are you automatically a Distributor. If you want to get paid for sharing Shaklee, please apply here.
In addition to Shaklee's 100% money back guarantee, we offer
- 100% guarantee that the ingredients listed on the label are in the product
- 100% guarantee of quality controlled product formulations that ensure product safety, purity, reliability, and performance.
- 100% guarantee that we use the finest quality ingredients available.
Experience the Shaklee Difference! YOU DESERVE IT!
It's so easy to get started. Just go to my website, shop for your favorite products and join as a member during checkout!