Saturday, May 10, 2014
New Blog Site!!
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Sick Maintenance or Sick Prevention? | Which Would You Choose?
Are you feeling tired, under the weather, constant allergies or headaches? What are you doing to eliminate them? Sick maintenance? Meaning go to the doctor, fork out your co-pay, possibly get a prescription, maybe buy some OTC meds, experience the side effects, dealing with insurance deductibles, the list can go on and on!
What if...just what started spending your time and energy on sick PREVENTION instead of maintenance? How do you think your health would be affected? How do you think your pocketbook would be affected?
If you're constantly sick or feeling bad, now may be the time to do a check on what's affecting you. Lack of sleep? Poor eating habits? Allergies? Is your gut unhealthy? And now think about how much you're spending each month to try to get healthy again, only to get sick AGAIN a few weeks later! Ugh!
Trust me, we've been there. We were there for a long time.
We finally got sick of sick and decided to get healthier!
Now that we're using natural supplements and cleaning products, our allergies are BETTER, our gut health is WAY BETTER, this mama has TONS MORE ENERGY, my sweet husband has been sinus infection FREE, our son has been stomach virus FREE, and we're not spending money on sick maintenance.
We're spending that money on sick PREVENTION. And we've reaped the rewards of changing our lifestyle by doing so!
Now, I'm not a doctor, I will NEVER prescribe something to you. I will ALWAYS tell you to ask the opinion of your own doctor first.
However, I'm happy to share with you what safe, natural remedies work for our family! After lots of research, our family chose to use Shaklee's products for a number of reasons, the top two I'll list.
1) Their products are based on science, not fads. Shaklee's products go through rigorous quality testing before being put on the shelves. Check out Clinical Research and the Landmark Study for more information!
2) Integrity. I don't know about you, but integrity is huge when it comes to choosing a company that's all about health and wellness. Shaklee is built on integrity and taking care of people; in fact, you won't find a recall from our products anywhere. They want their products to be SAFE!
There is no such thing as a miracle pill, miracle oil, miracle drink, get better in 3 days while you lose 30lbs in the process. Sorry folks, it just doesn't work that way.
Building better health takes time and commitment; not a whole lot of time, but you've got to be invested in yourself and your family for their future health! And it's not that hard!
I've rediscovered my passion for HELPING OTHERS get healthier, happier and reap the rewards of this lifestyle. I want to help you too!
Here's to YOUR HEALTH!
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Join Mission: Healthy, Happy Life!
- five of Shaklee's best selling products to begin Shaklee-izing your home (retail value of over $500)
- 250 PV
- Distributor Welcome Kit
- A Shaklee Personal Web Site - free for 3 months!
- 15% off SRP on all product purchases
- Access to
mission healthy life
work at home
Our Family's Favorite Toddler Books
Monday, April 7, 2014
Your Health and the Environment
I believe most of us are committed to good health and have daily activities and routines we follow to help support our health. We exercise, take natural supplements, drink a high-protein smoothie, drink water, wear sunscreen...the list goes on!
All these small steps taken day in and day out lead to a stronger and healthier YOU!
While all of those things are an excellent way to be healthy, I want to be sure you aren’t missing an important part of the health puzzle by being exposed to chemicals in your environment.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) tracks more than 84,000 chemicals used in commerce. These chemicals, have worked their way into our everyday lives. Now, no matter how clean you try to live, it is impossible to escape exposure from these chemicals that may put an amazingly heavy burden on our liver and other detoxification pathways in our bodies. Chemicals are found in the food we eat, clothes we wear, personal care products we use, and even the very products that we use to keep our homes clean and safe.
Take a look at the chemicals found in common household cleaners:
Name | Found in | Potentially harmful effects |
Phthalates | Solvents used to make fragrances | Endocrine disrupters: Men with high levels of phthalates in their blood have reduced sperm counts. |
Perchloroethylene(PERC) | Dry-cleaning solution, spot removers, carpet cleaners | The EPA classifies PERC as a possible carcinogen and has ordered a phase-out of the chemical by 2020. |
Triclosan | An antibacterial found in dishwashing detergents and hand soaps | Leads to drug-resistant bacteria and is a possible hormone disrupter. |
2-Butoxyethanol | Mostly found in window cleaners, is responsible for the sweet smell | General irritant when inhaled, at high levels can damage lungs, liver, and kidneys |
Ammonia | Found in many cleaning products | When inhaled, it can irritate the lungs and potentially worsen asthma. |
Chlorine | Another ubiquitous chemical, found in toilet bowl cleaner, mildew removers, laundry products, and even tap water | Chlorine is very reactive and irritates skin and lungs. It may disrupt the thyroid. |
While it can be daunting to think that we are surrounded by so many chemicals, the good news is that there are fantastic natural choices that will do the job these chemicals do just as well without exposing you and your family to potentially harmful fumes, solvents, and toxins.
Be sure you only have safe, green cleaners under your sink and in your laundry. Choosing green cleaners means that you are doing the best for your health, the environment, and your family’s well-being! My family exclusively uses Shaklee green cleaners...they're safe, nontoxic, they work and are saving us a ton of money!
What is your favorite green cleaning tip?
cleaning products
get clean
green living
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
What I'm Reading Wednesday
what i'm reading wednesday
Sunday, March 30, 2014
My Favorite Laundry Detergent

- It's $40.25 (member price) for a 14lb box and has lasted me NINE MONTHS
- We're averaging about $5 per month for laundry detergent
- I do a LOT of laundry
- This detergent average about $.14 per load
- Our clothes are cleaner, with no soap residue, and they seem to be lasting longer
- It's really good for the environment with no phosphates or chlorine. It's also biodegradable, concentrated, and hypoallergenic
Saturday, March 29, 2014
What's Stopping You?
My husband and I thought living a more natural lifestyle was going to break the bank. It hasn't! Our family's health is the best it's ever been, which means less doctor visits, less prescriptions, and less time off work, thanks to safe, natural nutrition!
Our home is finally REALLY clean, thanks to nontoxic cleaners that actually work! My skin is looking and feeling better, and I lost those last few baby lbs thanks to excellent beauty care and a tasty weight management product.
Shaklee is NOT about selling miracles and I'm not either! Shaklee is all about SCIENCE, not fads! Trust me, I have not decided to make Shaklee my brand partner so that I can sell, sell, sell to people. No, that's not it. I chose to partner with Shaklee because I have a passion for helping other moms get their families healthier. And in turn, I'm rewarded for it. But an even bigger bonus out of all that is that I not only help these moms get their families healthier, but I'm helping them either get their favorite Shaklee products FREE every month or create their own health and wellness business!
healthy living
mission healthy life
work at home
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Cleaning Windows | Getting Clean for Spring
Today I wanted to share with you the simple solution my family uses to clean all the windows and glass in our home.
Yep, you guessed it…it’s a product by Shaklee (my favorite health and wellness company ever!).
We use Shaklee’s Basic H solution as our window cleaner! Did you even know it can be used to clean windows??
It’s simple…just take 16 oz of water and add just two drops of Basic H and give it a shake. There you have it! A full bottle of safe, nontoxic window cleaner!
This is how I’m kicking off our spring cleaning for 2014, by getting all the windows and mirrors clean and dirt-free. We have a ton of windows so it’s going to take me a full day (on top of all my other domestic duties!)
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Deck Remodel | DIY
We just love spending time out on the deck. We added a nice table and chairs so we can eat dinner outside. We're fortunate that there are a lot of nice weather days where we live, so we get a lot of use out of the deck! This is just one of the many, many DIY projects we've taken on since moving in! Do you DIY when it comes to home improvement?
home improvement
On the First Day of Spring...
cleaning products
free membership
get clean
green living
healthy living
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
What I'm Reading Wednesday

what i'm reading wednesday
Friday, March 7, 2014
Friday Favorites

friday favorites
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
The Benefits of a Get Clean Kit
- Basic H Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate - We've had our Basic H concentrate for almost two years and we are just halfway through the bottle! We make a new bottle of cleaner every week to clean the kitchen; that's how concentrated it is!
- Germ Off Disinfecting Wipes - These belong in the car, in the bathroom, or in the baby's room!
- Nature Bright Laundry Booster and Stain Remover - Awesome stuff! Compare it to OxiClean! It gets stains out and helps whiten your clothes! You can also use it to clean your toilets to get the gunk off.
- Dish Wash Concentrate - LOVE this stuff. I was skeptical at first, but it's fantastic. A little goes a LONG way. See my post from last year comparing it to Seventh Generation!
- Dish Washer Automatic Concentrate - Ya'll, this dish detergent is amazing! Just a little scoop cleans your dishes! It lasts FOREVER...for us, it lasts an average of 10 weeks!
- Fresh Laundry Concentrate HE Compatible Liquid - Wonderful laundry detergent...fragrance free...and you don't even need as much as the directions call for!
- Soft Fabric Dryer Sheets - Yes!
- Dish Washer Automatic Concentrate Dispenser - this comes in handy for scooping out the dish detergent!
- Nature Bright Dispenser - this is also handy for scooping out the Nature Bright.
Including all the accessories you need to get really clean:
- Organizer Caddy - holds all the spray bottles and cleaning cloths
- Spray Bottles - mix up your Basic H solutions in each of these bottles. One each for all purpose, glass, and degreasing
- Dropper Pipette - helps when you're mixing your Basic H solutions.
- 1/4 oz. Dispenser Pump for 32 oz. Bottle - this is for the laundry detergent
- Laundry Measuring cup - don't think this needs explaining! :)
- Dual Measuring Spoon - explanation needed!
- Cleaning Accessories - these clothes and sponges are wonderful! You get a microfiber cleaning cloth, microfiber window cloths, microfiber dish sponge and a scrubber pad
cleaning products
get clean
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Keeping it Real | What My House REALLY Looks Like
keeping it real
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Free to Be Who God Made You to Be
Oh, hi there!
It's been like a month since I've!
I wanted to share with you a sermon from one of my friends, Amanda. This is a sermon she spoke at her church a few weeks back about learning to be free from body image issues and learning to love who God made us to be.
I've known Amanda for a little over two years. We met at MOPS back in the day where she was the discussion group leader of our table. She is the type of person you want to be around...she's kind, generous, hilarious, never, ever hesitates to speak truth into people's lives...she's the real deal!
When Amanda and I saw each other regularly, she was really into clean eating and working out...I totally admired her dedication and determination. I didn't realize, however, that it ended up being really unhealthy for her in her thought life, spiritual life, family life, etc.
This sermon is how Amanda broke free from the power of food and body image.
If you're a woman, then it's most likely you have struggled with poor body image at some point in your life.
I always have. I still struggle with it, sometimes on a daily basis. Sometimes to the point where I get obsessive about it. I keep a lot of it inside, but it's not healthy for me, it's not healthy for my family.
It's funny how things work out...I'd actually been feeling myself getting back into the negative talk, the negative self image, when her sermon was posted online. I watched it last night; it was the right time for me! And I just knew I had to share it with my own community! This isn't just for women and girls...this is for the guys too.
Watch Amanda's fantastic sermon about overcoming self image issues and learning to love yourself the way God loves you!
THANK YOU, Amanda for your powerful words!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Confession of a Beauty Product Snob

Monday, February 3, 2014
2014 To Do List | Checking In
- Print photo books of each boy's first year. STARTED! Woot-woot! After I began Kyle's (he's FIVE) I became totally overwhelmed. I had 20 pages of his first MONTH. At that rate, it would take me 5 years and $5k just to make baby books for both boys. I quickly narrowed the pics down the most important. So I've ordered Kyle's first 6 months and am working on Beck's first 6 months.
- Finally finish our laundry room once and for all. Haven't touched it yet.
- Clean out, organize, sell or throw away the items in our garage apartment. STARTED! Pat on the back please! I've sold quite a bit of old baby items... in fact, I made about $100 last week just selling items off our local Facebook Buy/Sell pages! Getting rid of two giant strollers that take up tons of room was a big relief!
- Meal planning. Ugh. Fail.
- Plant some colorful plants/flowers in our front beds. Nothing yet. The weather has been so hot/cold this winter that I've held off until we're really done with freezes.
- Take a cooking class. Not yet.
- Get going on the potty training with our youngest. Hahaha! This one is a doozy. He is does NOT want to stop wearing diapers. I've tried bribing with his favorite candy, I bought him super hero underwear, I've begged, I've pleaded. Nope. Not gonna do it right now.
- Expand my health and wellness business. I'm so excited about this one! Several new families have committed to join our Mission and they are loving it! I so love helping others get their lives healthier!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
My February Specials! | Can You Say FREE?!?
Wait, what?? Another Shaklee special?
My marketing partner, Shaklee, and I LOVE to spoil people! And we love it even more when there are FREEBIES involved! If you love free and saving money, listen up… this is a NEW SPECIAL that has never been offered before!
When I found out about this deal, I was in total shock and couldn't wait to get the word out! I love the excitement that it's generating!
Here are all the details...
When you join Shaklee as a Member/Distributor, you will get:
New Distributors who join Shaklee under this offer with a minimum 50 PV (examples below) purchase will receive a free Shaklee product – a canister of Shaklee 180 Café Latte Energizing Smoothee – and they have the opportunity to sponsor new people under this same lucrative offer through 2/28!
New Members who join Shaklee under this offer with a minimum 50 PV (examples below) purchase will receive free $19.95 Membership as well as a free Shaklee product – a canister of Shaklee 180 Café Latte Energizing Smoothee (while supplies last) through 2/28!
What does this mean for YOU?
This means a TON of savings. In fact, you will save about $67 and I always offer a free product to my members within their first 30 days of joining with my Learn & Earn Program. So, you could save almost $100 while you get healthier!!! Plus, get discounts and join our fantastic Shaklee family – you’ll love it!
So, what qualifies for all this goodness, a free membership, discounts, free smoothie mix, and our awesome community?
Shaklee is offering this with a 50 PV (point value) order. The PV (point value) is listed next to each product! Pick your favorite products or the ones you've been wanting to try. If your order totals 50 PV or more, your membership is FREE!
I've also put together some of my favorite must have products that qualify you for this offer!
Enfuselle Repair Skin System
Clinically Proven To Improve Your Skin
The Enfuselle Repair System is clinically proven to improve your skin in as little as a month. You’ll see and feel the difference immediately. Ya'll this stuff is AMAZING!! And it lasts FOREVER!
The Enfuselle line is paraben free, too!
- Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by 421% in 4 weeks!
- Increases skin firmness and elasticity by 154% in 4 weeks!
- Definitive evening of skin tone in 12 weeks!
Changing Brands Can Change Your Life
I love my Vitalizer! I take it every single day!
- Custom formula created specifically for today’s healthy active woman
- Patent-pending delivery system designed to enhance absorption of key nutrients
- Based on 12 clinical studies & a first-of-its-kind Landmark Study
Feel better in 30 days or your money back.
Get Clean Starter Kit
We believe that health isn’t just about what you put in your body, it’s about everything around you. We bring you a full line of natural and nontoxic cleaning choices that are Safe for You, Your Home, and Your Planet called Get Clean.
- No harmful fumes or hazardous chemicals.
- Outperforms 20 national leading brands.
- You would spend $3400 for ready to use cleaners to get the same amount of clean found in the Get Clean Starter Kit!*
- Features Basic H2 Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate – just 1/4 tsp. makes 16oz. of all-purpose cleaner for only 3 cents.
- And when you purchase the Get Clean Starter Kit you also make a positive impact on the planet:
- Keep 108 pounds of packaging waste from landfills.
- Eliminate 248 pounds of greenhouse gas.
The Get Clean Starter Kit contains:
- Basic H2 Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate, 16 oz. (1)
- Germ Off Disinfecting Wipes, 35 Wipes (1)
- Nature Bright Laundry Booster and Stain Remover, 32 oz. (1)
- Dish Wash Concentrate, 16 oz. (1)
- Dish Washer Automatic Concentrate, 32 oz. (1)
- Fresh Laundry Concentrate HE Compatible, Regular Scent 32 oz. (Liquid) (1)
- Soft Fabric Dryer Sheets, 80 sheets (1)
- Dish Washer Automatic Concentrate Dispenser (empty) (1)
- Nature Bright Dispenser (empty) (1)
Including all the accessories you need to get really clean:
- Organizer Caddy (1)
- Spray Bottles (3)
- Windows and Mirrors
- All-Purpose
- Degreasing
- Dropper Pipette (1)
- 1/4 oz. Dispenser Pump for 32 oz. Bottle (1)
- Laundry Measuring cup (1)
- Dual Measuring Spoon (1)
- Cleaning Accessories (4)
- Super Microfiber Cleaning Cloth
- Super Microfiber Window Cloth
- Super Microfiber Dish Sponge
- Miracle Scrubber Pad
Here are some of our most asked membership questions:
- How much is it to renew each year?
- Is there a minimum each month or year?
- What is your return policy?
- By joining as a member, does that make me a distributor?
So here’s how I would clear those up for you:
- There is no renewal fee. It’s a lifetime membership and
one time fee of $19.95FREE for you with a qualifying order! - There are no minimums EVER! You can order once a year or monthly. It’s up to you.
- We offer 100% money back guarantee for all products.
- You are not a distributor and will not receive bonuses. If you want to get paid for sharing Shaklee, you need to go here and apply to partner with me.
- You can also read more of my FAQ's here.
I want you to be completely without risk, so here’s my guarantee: If for any reason a Shaklee product is not satisfactory, return it for exchange or full refund.
If our products are not the best they can be — and the best you can buy — what else matters?
So if you don’t experience the desired results from a Shaklee nutritional, personal care, or household product, you may return the unused portion for a 100% refund.
In addition to a money-back guarantee, we offer:
- 100% guarantee that the ingredients listed on the label are in the product
- 100% guarantee of quality-controlled product formulations that ensure product safety, purity, reliability, and product performance
- 100% guarantee that we use the finest quality ingredients available
Experience the Shaklee Difference for yourself. You deserve it!
It’s really easy to get started. Simply go to my website, fill up your shopping cart, and join as a member. It is a one-time fee of $19.95. Free with a qualifying order!
Once you get started here’s what’s going to happen….
You will get a 15% discount on your order and you will receive a welcome email from me with all the details about joining our private online community, plus the opportunity to earn even more free product within your first 30 days!
You need to do this right now because you will get a FREE MEMBERSHIP, get a FREE Cafe Latte Protein Smoothee Canister and I am offering you a FREE product within your first 30 days of joining when you complete our Learn & Earn Program.
That’s almost $100 savings!!! :) WOOHOO!!!!
Here are some testimonies from just a few of our awesome members!
”I'm so glad I purchased the Get Clean Starter Kit! It has helped with my son's asthma immensely! He hasn't had an attack since July 2013!” Christina“I.LOVE.VITALIZER! I have a steady rate of energy, I just FEEL better now! I love knowing that I'm getting all the nutrients I need in a multivitamin strip when my food just isn't cutting it.” Melissa“I was a bleach-aholic before Basic G and the fumes really bothered me. Now there are no fumes, but I swear my home is cleaner now than when I was using bleach!” Mandie“The 180 smoothies and the Metabolic Boost has helped me lose 15lbs and given more energy! I'm on my feet almost all day and I don't have that tired feeling anymore thanks to healthy meal replacements!” Jen“I've finally found a moisturizer that WORKS! I love the Enfuselle's lightweight, doesn't break my skin out, and it lasts such a long time!” Desiree
If you have any questions about this or anything else, please email me at I’d love to help you! :)
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