Yep, that's me! I used to be that girl who wouldn't buy beauty products unless they were high dollar. I spent many years searching for those perfect cleansers and moisturizers to do their thing.
And many dollars down the drain on wasted money and on products that make my skin break out, had a gross smell, and frankly didn't get the job done!
I switched to Enfuselle from Shaklee last year and I'm not turning back! I have been so very pleased with the results just from my daily skin care regimen. I'm not even talking about the rest of the Enfuselle line with the awesome Skin Firming Serum, the Calming Complex or the Eye Treatment!
An important note about the Enfuselle line: there are no soaps, dyes, or parabens, and no overpowering fragrances!
This skin care line goes a long way. I only need a little bit of each one to cleanse and moisturize my skin. This is great for my pocketbook...I don't have to buy it every month!
I cannot say enough about Enfuselle! Have you tried it yet?
PS: If you order this set that's in the photo, you receive a FREE lifetime Shaklee membership and a FREE canister of smoothie mix! Win-win-WIN!
PPS: This is only one of a gajillion ways you can get your FREE membership! Contact me for more info or check out my February Freebies post!
Well, it's the beginning of February. Oh-em-gee! Good grief, the older I get the faster the days go by! It's going to be Christmas again before we know it!
Anyway, I'm doing a check in to see how my 2014 To Do List is coming along. This is one way to keep myself accountable, right? Just put it out there for all the world to see! :)
Here we go!
Print photo books of each boy's first year.STARTED! Woot-woot! After I began Kyle's (he's FIVE) I became totally overwhelmed. I had 20 pages of his first MONTH. At that rate, it would take me 5 years and $5k just to make baby books for both boys. I quickly narrowed the pics down the most important. So I've ordered Kyle's first 6 months and am working on Beck's first 6 months.
Finally finish our laundry room once and for all.Haven't touched it yet.
Clean out, organize, sell or throw away the items in our garage apartment.STARTED! Pat on the back please! I've sold quite a bit of old baby items... in fact, I made about $100 last week just selling items off our local Facebook Buy/Sell pages! Getting rid of two giant strollers that take up tons of room was a big relief!
Meal planning.Ugh. Fail.
Plant some colorful plants/flowers in our front beds.Nothing yet. The weather has been so hot/cold this winter that I've held off until we're really done with freezes.
Take a cooking class.Not yet.
Get going on the potty training with our youngest.Hahaha! This one is a doozy. He is does NOT want to stop wearing diapers. I've tried bribing with his favorite candy, I bought him super hero underwear, I've begged, I've pleaded. Nope. Not gonna do it right now.
Expand my health and wellness business.I'm so excited about this one! Several new families have committed to join our Mission and they are loving it! I so love helping others get their lives healthier!
I'm pretty proud of myself (and my husband, too)! We're starting off our 2014 pretty well!
How are you doing with your 2014 resolutions or to do lists??